Karasando カラーサンド is a series of linen fabric and washi paper collages handcrafted in Kyoto by Kojima Orimono. This series of ‘colour sandwiches’, comprise of hand-torn Japanese washi paper, laid out and sandwiched between 2 layers of loosely woven linen fabric. The linen fabrics on both sides are in different colours, and they alter the appearance of the washi papers in between.

This is a collaboration between design and craft. The design was a set of parameters given to the craftsmen– colours, and shape and size of the washi paper to be hand-torn. The scattering of washi paper was left to the craftsmen’s own judgement, so no 2 pieces are identical. The result is a nonprescriptive approach to design, that embraces variations, allowing the craftsmen’s ‘handwriting’ to show.

Copyright © Tiffany Loy. All rights reserved.